Scientific Affairs Lead
- 求人番号
- NJB2282881
- 採用企業名
- グラクソ・スミスクライン株式会社
- 職種
メディカル・バイオ - メディカルサイエンスリエゾン
- 雇用形態
- 無期雇用
- 勤務地
- 仕事内容
・Ensure delivery of the projects are in line with medical objectives and expectation as well as the project timelines
・Support co-developing global medical strategy to cater local unmet medical needs
・Support local EE network development and transfer of relationship ownership to Vaccine and Infectious Disease team
・Deepen capabilities of MSLs to have a meaningful exchange with their EEs
■休日:完全週休二日制, 年末年始
- 求める経験
年齢制限の理由 -
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・Leadership and senior leader stakeholder management capabilities
・Understanding of immunology, infectious disease and vaccines at expert level
・Understanding of public health environment and market access pathways
・Knowledge of pharmaceutical industry operating standards, including code of conduct
・Familiarity, and in-market experience, with the Japanese pharmaceutical market, through recent employment with Japan-based healthcare company
・3+ years of relevant professional experience such as development of medical strategy and working with local as well as global teams, and data generation design and study delivery, interpretation and communication of study results
・Organization of external scientific and education events, such as advisory boards, symposia or scientific workshops
・Experience in creating a market access strategy
・Experience with collaboration with medical professional organizations
・Advance life science degree in immunology, vaccinology or similar, eg. PhD
・Fluent scientific and business level English
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・Influencing skills
・Coaching and mentoring skills
・Experience working on medical strategy development and market access projects
・Strong knowledge and hands-on competitive intelligence experience in the pharmaceutical industry, including issue monitoring and coverage of medical conferences.
・International pharmaceutical experience
・Depth in one or more of the following therapeutic areas
・Japanese language skills
- 年収
- 700万円 - 1400万円
- 語学力
英語力:中級以上語学力: 要
- 受動喫煙対策
- 就業場所 全面禁煙
- 受動喫煙対策詳細