病理評価担当者(肉眼解剖所見、並びに病理組織所見採取) / Non-clinical pathologist(macro and histopathological evaluation)
- 求人番号
- NJB2262143
- 採用企業名
- 非公開
- 職種
メディカル・バイオ - 前臨床(薬効薬理・毒性・ADME)
- 雇用形態
- 無期雇用
- 勤務地
- 仕事内容
Description of work:
・Pathological evaluation for the disease biology of both human and model animal tissues.
・Toxicologic pathological evaluation (including the pathological monitor on CRO study).
・Molecular and digital pathology evaluation
■休日:完全週休二日制, 土, 日, 祝日, GW, 年末年始
- 求める経験
年齢制限の理由 -
Required Qualifications:
・Pathological evaluation for preclinical safety assessment
・Pathological evaluation for the animal model (disease biology, efficacy, and/or molecular pathology)
Preferred skills and knowledge :
・Expertise in Veterinary pathology, Veterinary anatomy, Pathology, Histology
(Diplomate of JSTP or JCVP.)
Desired competencies:
・Professional dedication to discerning the biology from histological specimens
・You are self-motivated to seek out new ideas, skills, and knowledge and are always willing to continue learning and growing as a researcher.
・You are enthusiastic about sharing your knowledge and discoveries with your colleagues.
・You bring genuine passion and curiosity to your research
Desired Qualification:
・Diplomate of JSTP or JCVP
(in addition to the expertise above, PhD degree with pathological field would be more preferable. )
- 年収
- 600万円 - 1200万円
- 語学力
- 受動喫煙対策
- 就業場所 全面禁煙
- 受動喫煙対策詳細