特許担当者 / Patent Attorney
- 求人番号
- NJB2031849
- 採用企業名
- 中外製薬株式会社
- 職種
法務・知財 - 特許
- 雇用形態
- 無期雇用
- 勤務地
- 仕事内容
【Description of Work】
・Support and consultation to R&D projects in IP perspective
・Patent Filing
・Patent prosecution
・""Freedom to operate"" survey and its action planning
・Action to patent dispute
・IP support to sealing contracts including license agreement or so
■休日:完全週休二日制, 祝日, GW, 年末年始
- 求める経験
年齢制限の理由 -
【Desired Experience】
Work experience in patent filing and prosecution at least 5 years
【Desired Skills/Knowledge/Abilities】
・At least a bacheler's degree [including master's or doctor's degree] in science and technology field
・Work experience in IP function in company is preferable
【Desired Competencies】
・Behavior to endeavor to establish a solution for IP issues identified by letting various internal and external steakholders be involved in
・Behavior to commit a preestablished aggressive target by demonstrating ownership and accountability
【Desired Qualifications】
・Qualified patent attorney or attorney at law is preferable
- 年収
- 600万円 - 1100万円
- 語学力
- 受動喫煙対策
- 就業場所 全面禁煙
- 受動喫煙対策詳細
- ・事業所内禁煙/No smoking at office
/No smoking during business hours(except for official break time and non-business hours)