The English level to work at a multinational company

  1. 外資系企業×FAQ

公開日:2021/11/08 / 最終更新日: 2024/04/24

Q.Do I need to read, write and speak English very well to succeed in a multinational work environment?

A. The short answer to this question is ‘yes’.

The short answer to this question is ‘yes’. The long answer is more complex and more revealing to the job seeker. When I discuss recruitment issues with senior executives of multinational companies I find that language skills are often given a low priority. Instead they prioritize specialist skills and experience, the applicant’s approach to work and how the applicant will fit culturally. Once they have established that the applicant has what it takes to do the job the language issue is addressed. In fact, multinational companies are often prepared to compromise and hire an otherwise very suitable candidate whose language skills are clearly below expectations. The message here is that language skills are really only the tip of the iceberg, and that it is the right skills, experience and approach that ultimately determine if an applicant will succeed.


A. 簡単に言ってしまえば、答えは“イエス”です。





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